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Chairman's Selections: Nonsense
Life Stories | Sales Pitches | Nonsense | Poetry | Profanity
31 | 2019-06-15 | Ernest Cockburn <>
"No man whose testicles have been crushed or whose penis has been cut off may enter the LORD's assembly."

Deuteronomy 23:1

32 | 2019-05-25 | John conway <>
Fish eat chips, so do I
33 | 2019-05-02 | Michael Roesch <>
no comment
34 | 2019-04-21 | Him <>
Always, where are you? I want to see your feet. I dream of being whisked away on your chest and breasts.
35 | 2019-04-21 | Mikelid <>
Love the ducks. That is all
36 | 2019-04-19 | Harry <>
I got the horses in the back
37 | 2019-03-14 | Karen R. Wood <>
I have lots of cash to spend, I'm looking for aardvarks from Zambia, to cum and spend my money. I have a big snatch that can handle many aardvarks. My mammary glands do nothing but rain silver and gold.
969 Bronze Zambia 1 ngwee Aardvark on coin African
38 | 2019-02-27 | AbbasMek <>
A woman comes home late in the night and goes quietly in the bedroom. To her surprise, she sees male and female feet peeking out from under the blanket. Shocked and raging, she gets her baseball bat and beats and beats until all movement stops. After that she goes into the living room and sees her husband laying on the sofa. He turns to her half asleep: "Oh, you're home, darling. I'm afraid we have to sleep here tonight, My parents came for a surprise visit
39 | 2019-02-21 | Soa Cahtoh <>
May the blessing of Mugu Guyman bring you happiness and prosperity. Put your hands together, bow and say, Mugu Guynam
40 | 2018-11-30 | Herman Moolie <>
That right there is the mail. Now let's talk about the mail. Can we talk about the mail, please, Mac? I've been dying to talk about the mail with you all day, OK? "Pepe Silvia," this name keeps coming up over and over again. Every day Pepe's mail is getting sent back to me. Pepe Silvia! Pepe Silvia! I look in the mail, and this whole box is Pepe Silvia! So I say to myself, "I gotta find this guy! I gotta go up to his office and put his mail in the guy's goddamn hands! Otherwise, he's never going to get it and he's going to keep coming back down here." So I go up to Pepe's office and what do I find out, Mac? What do I find out?! There is no Pepe Silvia. The man does not exist, okay? So I decide, "Oh shit, buddy, I gotta dig a little deeper." There's no Pepe Silvia? You gotta be kidding me! I got boxes full of Pepe! All right. So I start marchin' my way down to Carol in HR and I knock on her door and I say, "Carol! Carol! I gotta talk to you about Pepe." And when I open the door what do I find? There's not a single goddamn desk in that office! There. is. no. Carol in HR. Mac, half the employees in this building have been made up! This office is a goddamn ghost town!
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