Privacy Policy We pass your details to all and sundry, with wild abandon. Shifty criminals will share your information for nebulous purposes. Your pristine email address will drown in barely intelligible filth before you've had a chance to find your nearest Western Union outlet.
1 | 04-25 14:20 | Alex jhonson <>
I need some quick money
2 | 04-24 20:19 | Ed Worthington <>
Howdy do, all!
3 | 04-24 18:34 | Andrew Montgomery <>
Hi everyone
4 | 04-24 17:35 | Tom Swineherd <>
I businessman looking for collaborators in the field of Industrial Swine Husbandry.
5 | 2024-04-24 | John Smith <>
I am willing to store any form of money or gold (up to 10 million dollars) in my housing area. I only need a small cut of the profit to do it too. Please.
6 | 2024-04-24 | Karen Flangees <>
I need money quick.
7 | 2024-04-23 | Thadius <>
I want to get cash quick. I'm in dire need
8 | 2024-04-23 | capybar <>
need free cash and investing
9 | 2024-04-23 | Grace Bryant <>
I'm currently looking for investment opportunities.
10 | 2024-04-23 | Sergio <>
Mugu Guestbook™ : sending Western Union payments 2012-2024