Sign here for fresh juicy offers: unsecured loans, lotto wins, trunks full of cash held at the airport, cheap gold, other people's inheritances and all manner of 100% risky free "business proposals"!
1 | 04-24 04:56 | John Smith <>
I am willing to store any form of money or gold (up to 10 million dollars) in my housing area. I only need a small cut of the profit to do it too. Please.
2 | 04-24 01:52 | Karen Flangees <>
I need money quick.
3 | 04-23 20:44 | Thadius <>
I want to get cash quick. I'm in dire need
4 | 04-23 19:34 | capybar <>
need free cash and investing
5 | 04-23 12:57 | Grace Bryant <>
I'm currently looking for investment opportunities.
6 | 04-23 08:59 | Sergio <>
7 | 2024-04-22 | Neutral-Moresnet <>
I am from Neutral-Moresnet,
and looking for new challenges.
8 | 2024-04-22 | John Smith <>
haiiii!!!! :3c hru guysss~??? w
9 | 2024-04-22 | Shervin <>
Please send me some offers I can not refuse.
10 | 2024-04-22 | walter <>
I want money
Mugu Guestbook™ : sending Western Union payments 2012-2024